Specialty Ice & Big Clear Ice

Specialty Ice & Big Clear Ice

Concocting craft libations does not stop at using unique liquors, mixers, methods, and garnishes. A proper craft cocktail can also take shape with the addition of things like superb glassware, specialty ice and those big beautiful clear ice cubes and spheres.
While access to quality stem and glassware is something we can easily provide, On Call Cocktails is known for making some of the clearest and most specialty ice cubes yet seen at a private backyard party or off-site corporate function.
After years of scientific trials, research and testing, we’ve perfected the technique to make large clear ice cubes and specialty ice cubes for our parties. We find people love them with specialty cocktails and used simply with a shot of whiskey or scotch.
In all cases, we can accommodate most any specialty and clear ice requests.
Give us a call at 408.489.7139 if you have questions or are ready to book your event.

On Call Cocktails